Friday, August 3, 2018

Every article

This took forever.

I read this a few times:
Zachary Holbrook, MereO, The Toxic Environments of First Reformed

Revoice stuff:
Jack Bates, Bread, Wine, & GlitterThe Revoice Conference, Gender, and Desire
Matthew Lee Anderson, Mere Orthodoxy, Sex, Temptation, and the Gay Christian: What Chastity Demands
Ron Belgau, The Public DiscourseIn Defense of Spiritual Friendship and Revoice
Wesley Hill, Spiritual Friendship, Where the World Attacks
Wesley Hill, CovenantWhy I Want to Stay
Ethan McCarthy, Patheos, A Tenacious Witness: Reflections on the Revoice Conference

The current President:
David A Graham, The Atlantic, Trump's Remarkable Admission About Dishonesty
Damir Marusic, MediumThe Problem of Donald Trump Didn't Start with Donald Trump
Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, Abraham Lincoln's Warning
Elizabeth Bruenig, WaPo, America's heart of darkness

The Romans 13 eisegesis debacle:
Ruth Graham, SlateJeff Sessions Cherry-Picked a Bible Passage to Defend Trump’s Immigration Policy
Tara Isabella Burton, VoxThe racist history of the Bible verse the White House uses to justify separating families
Elizabeth Bruenig, WaPoSessions invents a faith all his own
Tyler Huckabee, RelevantJeff Sessions and the Danger of Using the Bible Instead of Letting It Use You

Reacting to Anthony Kennedy's retirement:
Alan Noble, MediumInitial Reaction to Justice Kennedy Retirement
Ruth Graham, SlateAmy Coney Barrett Is Allegedly a Member of a Religious Group That’s Been Called a “Cult”
Matthew Loftus, MereODefending the Vulnerable Requires More Than a New Supreme Court Justice

The Christian Right's dangerous alliance with Trump. Smarsh's piece doesn't quite fit here, but it goes well with McCrummen's – they temper one another:
Ruth Graham, Slate“The Most Dangerous Place for a Child to Be Is Inside the Womb of a Woman Inside a Planned Parenthood Clinic”
Ruth Graham, SlateMariia Butina’s Cozy Relationship With the Christian Right Makes Total Sense
Stephanie McCrummen, WaPoJudgement days
John Fea, The AtlanticEvangelical Fear Elected Trump
Kristin Kobes Du Mez, CT, Fear, Power, Nostalgia, and the 81 Percent

Two articles on the recent MD primaries:

Racial issues:
Olga Khazan, The Atlantic, Being Black in America Can Be Hazardous to Your Health
Jemar Tisby, The WitnessWhy Juneteenth Should Be a National Holiday

Environmental issues:
Roy Scranton, NYTRaising My Child in a Doomed World
Jedidiah Purdy, Boston ReviewThe New Nature
Nathaniel Rich, NYT MagLosing Earth
Robinson Meyer, The AtlanticThe Problem With The New York Times’ Big Story on Climate Change

The triumphant return of the TECH EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE section:
Edward Mendelson, NY Review of Books, In the Depths of the Digital Age
Jeffrey Bilbro, Front Porch RepublicRestoring Trust in the Aftermath of Anti-Social Media
Noah Kulwin, New York Mag‘One Has This Feeling of Having Contributed to Something That’s Gone Very Wrong’
Franklin Foer, The AtlanticThe Death of the Public Square
Adam J White, The New
LM Sacasas, The New AtlantisThe Tech Backlash We Really Need
Erika Christakis, The AtlanticThe Dangers of Distracted Parenting
Julia Carrie Wong, The Guardian'This is awful': robot can keep children occupied for hours without supervision

A bunch of cultural and political criticism not as directly related to the immediate political scene:
David Dark, Books & CultureThe Gospel According to America
Ryan Hammill, MereOAgainst the Sterile Style
Coleson Smith, CommentBeerbelly Elegy
BD McClay, Hedgehog ReviewVirtue Signaling
Phil Christman, Hedgehog ReviewWhat Is It Like to Be a Man?
Alan Jacobs, The GuardianTo survive our high-speed society, cultivate 'temporal bandwidth'
Rachel Wiseman, The PointSwitching Off: Joseph Brodsky and the moral responsibility to be useless
Talia Lavin, Village VoiceThe Moral Case for Incivility
Melvin Rogers, Boston ReviewDemocracy Is a Habit: Practice It
Christopher Lebron, The NationUp From Rawls
Adam Gopnik, New YorkerWhat Can We Learn From Utopians of the Past?
Emily Rose Gum, CommentRecovering an Institutional Imagination
James Davison Hunter & James KA Smith, Comment, The Backdrop of Reality
Lydialye Gibson, Harvard MagazineThe Democracy of Everyday Life
John Thornton, Jr, CommonwealUnder Pressure

More criticism, of literature, music, and film:
Haley Stewart, Church Life Journal, Alasdair MacIntyre Reads Jane Austen Reading Her Late Modern Reader
Kira Thurman, The PointSinging Against the Grain: Playing Beethoven in the #BlackLivesMatter era
Trevor Quirk, The PointThe Pieces Fit: Tool's Cult of Meaning
Alissa Wilkinson, VoxPaul Schrader on First Reformed: “This is a troubling film about a troubled person”
Alissa Wilkinson, Vox, The real reason we need more diversity in film criticism
Francey Russell, Boston ReviewHaneke and the Technology of Intimacy
Megan N Liberty, Hyperallergic, The Clever Concrete Poetry of a Benedictine Monk
Ange Mlinko & Peter Mishler, LitHubA Lot of My 'Process' Is Just Mucking About
Danny Heitman, Humanities, The Messy Genius of WH Auden
Emily Dreyfuss, Wired, Sacha Baron Cohen's Fake Conspiracy Site is Fully Post-Parody
Scott Timberg, LA Review of BooksThe Bad Idea That Keeps On Giving
David Kolitz, The OutlineAcademics Explain David Foster Wallace To Me

Walker Percy, man of the moment:
Jessica Hooten Wilson, Liberty & LawLiving as an Ex-Suicide
Randall S Rosenberg, Church Life Journal, Walker Percy and the Racist Tragedy of Southern Stoicism
Brian A Smith, The American ConservativeWalker Percy and the Gift of Influence

Christian life and commentary:
DL Mayfield, InTouch Ministries, The Ministry of Lament
Karen Swallow Prior, TGCChristian Hospitality in an Age of ‘They’re Not Welcome Anymore, Anywhere’
Amanda Wortham, Christ & Pop Culture, How Mr Rogers's Analog Show Speaks to Us in a Digital Age
Jake Meador, MereOThe Lord's Work in the Lord's Way: Against the Culture War
Rachel Gilson, Christ & Pop Culture, David Foster Wallace and Worship in the #MeToo World
Derek Rishmawy, TGCYou Want a God of Judgement
Jasmine Holmes, Fathom, So You Hate Biblical Womanhood

Alan's book Disruptive Witness came out this month:
Alan Noble, CTHow to Witness to a Distracted World
Alan Noble, FathomDisruptive Conversations
Lauren M Fabrycky, FathomBearing Witness In a Distracted World
Justin Bailey, In All ThingsBearing Witness in a TLDR World: A Review of “Disruptive Witness”
Jonathan Merritt, Jonathan Merritt on Faith & Culture, The Christian Call to be Culturally Disruptive?

Some paired pieces that didn't fit well elsewhere: 2 from Taffy; 2 on American waste and wealth; 2 on #PlaneBae; 2 on translation; 2 on the shortcomings of modern sexual activism:
Taffy Brodesser-Akner, NYT MagJonathan Franzen Is Fine With All of It
Taffy Brodesser-Akner, NYT MagHow Goop's Haters Made Gwyneth Paltrow's Company Worth $250 Million
Matthew Walther, The WeekAmerican wasteland
Micah Meadowcroft, National ReviewRiches Unto Death: Poverty Is a Lack of More Than Money
Megan Garber, The AtlanticTwo Strangers Met on a Plane – and the Internet Ruined It
Ella Dawson, elladawson.comWe Are All Public Figures Now
Burke Gertenschlager & Ed Simon, LA Review of BooksGroping Towards Each Other In a Common Mist
Rachel Hadas, Literary MattersOn Translation
Ross Douthat, NYTThe Handmaids of Capitalism
Brandon McGinley, First ThingsHer Name Is Monroe Christine

Individual pieces that didn't fit elsewhere:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AmericaAlexandria Ocasio-Cortez on her Catholic faith and the urgency of a criminal justice reform
Philip Jenkins, PatheosFaith, Fertility, and the Fate of American Religion
Grace Akello, LSE AfricaFrom ‘saved’ to secularised: the challenges facing former LRA fighters after reintegration into their communities
Annie Lowery, The AtlanticAre Stock Buybacks Hurting the Economy?
Alan Jacobs, Weekly StandardUnderstanding the Beautiful Game
Matthew Loftus, PloughThe Medicated Soul

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