Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Most of October

Politics have been particularly bad recently, particularly w/r/t the Kavanaugh debacle:
Elizabeth Bruenig, WaPoKavanaugh is one more step in America’s cycle of self-destruction
Adam Serwer, The Atlantic, The Cruelty Is the Point
Jennifer Rubin, WaPo, The left no doubt what they think of women
Tara Isabella Burton, VoxChristian Nationalism, explained through one pro-Trump propaganda film
Christopher R Browning, NY Review of BooksThe Suffocation of Democracy

Conservatism has been particularly bad recently as well:
Tom Nichols, The AtlanticWhy I'm Leaving the Republican Party
Max Boot, WaPo, The dark side of American conservatism has taken over
James Poulos, The American Mind, Why Conservatism Failed
Jake Meador, National ReviewA Unified Nation Must Rest on Something Real

Technology has been particularly bad recently:
Alyssa ElHage, Institute for Family StudiesKeeping Technology in Its Proper Place: An Interview with Andy Crouch
Alexis C Madrigal, The AtlanticRaised by YouTube
Ben Sasse, WaPoThis new technology could send American politics into a tailspin
Harriet Griffey, The GuardianThe lost art of concentration: being distracted in a digital world

Some Baltimore stuff:
Holden Wilen, Baltimore Business JournalBaltimore transportation chief says city faces infrastructure 'crisis'
Morgan Eichensehr, Baltimore Business JournalStop Apologizing, Baltimore: From Sandtown to Roland Park, why city business owners are still here
Daniel L Hatcher, Baltimore Sun, Maryland needs to stop forcing foster children to pay for their own care

Some screen-based entertainment reviews:
DL Mayfield, Christ & Pop CultureThe Good Place Recap: The Snowplow (Season 3, Episode 4)
DL Mayfield, Christ & Pop Culture, The Good Place Recap: Jeremy Bearimy (Season 3, Episode 5)
Josephine Livingstone, New Republic, 'A Star Is Born' Is the 'November Rain' of the Big Screen

Book reviews:
Adam Schwartz, University BookmanThe Presence of the Counterkingdom
Gracy Olmstead, University Bookman, A Most Hospitable Benedict Option
Valerie Weaver-Zercher, Christian Century, Good reading and the good life
Jedediah Purdy, New RepublicGeorge Scialabba, Radical Democrat
David Auerbach, The American ReaderReview: Thomas Pynchon’s “Bleeding Edge”
Alan Jacobs, Books & CultureUnexpected Refuge

A wide variety of Christian writing:
Samuel James, Desiring GodWhat Netflix Cannot Give — and Death Cannot Take
Hannah Anderson, Christ & Pop CultureThe Vocation of Parenthood
DL Mayfield, CT, Love Your Neighbor as Yourself—And Bring Your Kids Along
Jonathan Merritt, NYTIt’s Getting Harder to Talk About God
Chase Pasudniak, PatheosIs a Smaller Church a Better Church?
David Bentley Hart, First ThingsThe Secret Commonwealth
Jeremy McClellan, AmericaCatholic comedian Jeremy McLellan on finding God by welcoming the disabled
Wilfred M McClay, CommentGardeners and Pilgrims
Ed Welch, Desiring GodSix Ordinary Lessons for Mental Health Issues
Hannah Anderson, CTBreaking Bread with Broken People Brings Wisdom
Matt Damico, Desiring GodFour Ways to Love a Disappointing Church
Jason Barnhart, Tethered FreedomA Curmudgeon Looks at Worship
Natasha Sistrunk Robinson, CTWeary in the Wilderness?

Memento Mori:
Raymond C Barfield, CommentWhen Self-Help Means Less Help
Tom Scocca, Hmm DailyYour Real Biological Clock Is You’re Going to Die

Old people:
Krista Tippett & Eugene Peterson, On BeingThe Bible, Poetry, and Active Imagination
Kate Shellnutt, CTEugene Peterson Has Completed His Long Obedience
John Motyka, NYTMary Midgley, 99, Moral Philosopher for the General Reader, Is Dead
James Parker, The AtlanticPaul McCartney Can't Stop Making People Happy

Amy Brady, OrionRewilding your Lawn in the Anthropocene: An Interview with Author Jeff VanderMeer
Amy Brady, Chicago Review of BooksClimate Fiction Reveals Just How “Weird” Humans Truly Are
Rebecca Schuman, GuernicaThe Franz Kafka Marriage Manual for Young Ladies
Claire Fallon, HuffPostInstagram Poetry Is A Huckster’s Paradise
Kim Foster, NPR Desert CompanionThe Meth Lunches
Joe MacLeod, Hmm DailyI Wanted to Be Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Immaculata Abba, PopulaMe, My Body, and I
Caroline Langston, ImageWaiting for Nothing to Happen

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