Monday, March 11, 2019

Everything I read online in February 2019

To start off, here are several articles about perspectives on abortion: 
Megan McArdle, WaPoWhat the push for legal-until-birth abortion tells us about the abortion debate
Alexandra DeSanctis, The AtlanticDemocrats Overplay Their Hand on Abortion
Abigail Favale, Church Life Journal, Confessions of a Feminist Heretic
Mary O'Callaghan, Church Life Journal, The Devastating Fallout from Prenatal Testing
Sarah Klitenic Wear, First Things, The Ancients on Abortion
Matthew Lee Anderson, CTInfanticide Debate Reflects a New Era for Abortion Politics

And some articles on somewhat related issues of gender, sex, and life rights:
Christopher Shannon, Front Porch RepublicGender Is a Social Construct
Russell Moore, Personal BlogSouthern Baptists and the Scandal of Church Sexual Abuse
Christopher de Bellaigue, The GuardianDeath on demand: has euthanasia gone too far?

And more sex! Three responses to NBW, a personal story of same-sex attraction, and a reply to critics of Catholic celibacy requirements:
Joshua Heavin, MereOA Christian Ethic of Sex in a Pornographic Age
Wesley Hill, CTNadia Bolz-Weber’s Gospel of Shame-Free Sexuality
Tish Harrison Warren, CTThe Church Made Vagina Sculptures Long Before Nadia Bolz-Weber
Rachel Gilson, CTI Never Became Straight. Perhaps That Was Never God’s Goal.
Ross Douthat, NYTWhy Celibacy Matters

Also somewhat related, some parenting pieces (on adoption, fatherly commitment, and children's relationship with technology):
Ashley Fetters, The AtlanticThe Hardship of a Very Open Adoption
Anna Machin, Aeon, The marvel of the human dad
Pamela Paul, NYTLet Children Get Bored Again

Parents need the right ordering of priorities to balance their work and households, and public policy is a tool that should be used to allow for these rightful balances:
Hannah Anderson, Public Justice ReviewCultivating a Work-Wise Family
Candice Gormley, Shared JusticeTime to Care: Joy, Rest, and Recovery
Matthew Loftus, Shared JusticeTime to Care: Time to Heal

In a similar way, urban planning has an effect on how practical (or even possible) it is to be a parent in a city:

Modern politics and ethics: 
Bonnie Kristian, The WeekOur political obsession with shame
Elizabeth Bruenig, WaPoWhat the Liam Neeson case teaches us about evil
Samuel James, National ReviewWe're All Fundamentalists Too

Ewwww...more politics:
Emma Green, The AtlanticThese Are the Americans Who Live in a Bubble
Raymond Bonner, The Atlantic, America's Role in El Salvador's Deterioration
Andrew G McCabe, The AtlanticEvery Day Is a New Low in Trump's White House

What is the Church? Reflections on liturgical and worship practices, Hillsong, celebrity evangelicals, and our understanding the ekklesia itself:
Kathryn Watson, The CuratorThe He(art) of Worship
Laura Turner, VoxThe rise of the star-studded, Instagram-friendly evangelical church
Krish Kandiah, Church is a Family, Not an Event

Two pieces on the recent United Methodist vote to preserve traditional marriage (a good overview of the situation and a plea from an African Methodist to allow their [traditional] beliefs to be allowed a voice among the widely American progressives):
Emma Green, The AtlanticConservative Christians Just Retook the United Methodist Church
Jerry B Kulah, Juicy EcumenismAfrican United Methodists Won’t Trade Bible for Dollars

Joshua Heavin, MereOOn Theological Education and the Church’s Health
Viktor J Toth & Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, CT‘A Theology of Everything’ for a Pluralistic World
Brad East, CommonwealThe Specter of Marcion
Jen Pollock Michel, CTMove Over, Sex and Drugs. Ease Is the New Vice.
Alstair Roberts, Theopolis InstituteLearning Wisdom From the Serpents
David Mathis, Desiring GodHere I Raise My Ebenezer
Justin Frank, Mere OThe Real Place for Conflict: On Keeping Controversy Close to Home

Church-related profiles and interviews:
Matthew Loftus, CTWhy a Compassionate Baptist Pastor Led a Revolution
Rodney Clapp & Eugene Peterson, CTEugene Peterson: A Monk Out of Habit
Philip Hoare, New StatesmenJohn Ruskin: a prophet for our troubled times
Jemar Tisby & Wesley Hill, CommentThe Future of Church-Race Relations
David Heim & Kathryn Tanner, Christian CenturyCan Christianity be a counterforce to finance capitalism?

Tara Ann Thieke, Front Porch Republic, The American Bookstore: Prologue
Jeffrey Bilbro, Front Porch Republic, Fierce Velleity: Poetry as Antidote to Acedia
Mary McCampbell, TGC8 Works of Contemporary Fiction Christians Should Read
Trevin Wax, TGC, Reading When You're Really Busy
Mairead Small Staid, Paris Review, Reading in the Age of Constant Distraction
Haley Stewart, Church Life Journal, The Wayward Daughters
Amanda Wortham, CxPCTethered to the World: Remembering Mary Oliver
Rebecca Onion, SlateWild and Precious Life

Book-adjacent – Did Obama's bookishness have any effect on his willingness to engage in war? What would Auden say about today's social media campaigns of censorship? 
Teju Cole, New YorkerA Reader's War
Edward Mendelson, NY Review of BooksAuden on No-Platforming Pound

The Grammar Guy:
Sarah Lyall, NYTMeet the Guardian of Grammar Who Wants to Help You Be a Better Writer
Maris Kreizman, VultureGrammar Guru Benjamin Dreyer Talks Twitter Style, Denounces ‘Onboarding’
Benjamin Dreyer, Paris ReviewThree Writing Rules to Disregard

Book reviews:
Justin Lee, First Things, The Art of Spiritual Warfare
Brad East, Christian CenturyAn anti-Enlightenment ax to grind
Peter Boumgarden, Christian CenturyChristian humanism in a technocratic world
Eric Miller, CT, Submit to God, Not the Market
Kathryn Tanner, First ThingsTheology's Umpire
David Crumm, Read the SpiritIn ‘For the Life of the World,’ Miroslav Volf argues: ‘Christian theology has lost its way …’
Adam Kirsch, Tablet MagThe Alter Bible
James KA Smith, LARBA (Not So) Secular Saint
Jason Byassee, Christian CenturyLoving the creed, loving God
Nathan Goldman, The NationWellness Is Always a Scam
Anthony M Barr, Kirk CenterReclaiming a Place for Conversation

A great four-part, multi-author review of Jill Lepore's These Truths (and two recent pieces from Lepore herself):
Craig Bruce Smith, Kirk Center, A Conflicted Idea of America
Daniel N Gullotta, Kirk CenterWhat Hath Lepore Wrought
Robert Greene II, Kirk CenterCitizenship and the Fitful History of the American Way
Lauren F Turek, Kirk CenterRecent Domestic History
Jill Lepore, Foreign AffairsA New Americanism
Jill Lepore, New YorkerDoes Journalism Have a Future?

Miscellaneous cultural criticism:
Megan Garber, The AtlanticApocalypse Is Now a Chronic Condition
Vinson Cunningham, New YorkerHow the Idea of Hell Has Shaped the Way We Think
Matthew Walther, The WeekMarie Kondo and the rise of clutter shaming
Claire Armistead, The Guardian'Identity is a pain in the arse': Zadie Smith on political correctness
Jen Doll, Harper's BazaarWhy Does It Feel Like Everyone Has More Money Than You?
Emily Raboteau, NY Review of BooksClimate Signs
Eugene McCarraher, CommonwealUndemocratic by Design

Two pieces from Agnes Callard – What would it look like to think things through better? Is pop philosophy really philosophy?
Agnes Callard, Boston ReviewDon't Overthink It
Agnes Callard, The PointIs Public Philosophy Good?

Tech stuff:
Oliver Sacks, New Yorker, The Machine Stops
Eduardo Porter, NYTTech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force in Two
Kate Wagner, The Baffler, 404 Page Not Found
Niko Maragos, Popula, The Extremely Online Nun
Kashmir Hill, GizmodoI Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell
Patricia Lockwood, London Review of BooksThe Communal Mind
Casey Newton, The VergeThe Trauma Floor

Baltimore stuff:
Daniel Parsons, Baltimore SunBaltimore teacher: 'Our city is slaughtering black children'
Jessica Anderson, Baltimore Sun, 'It’s heartbreaking,' Baltimore attorney says, recalling two former clients killed in recent spate of violence
Rachel Nania, WTOP‘I wanted to do more for people than just pray’: Pastor blends faith, farms to end food insecurity in black churches

Weird vocal music:
Stacey Anderson, The GuardianIs Caroline Shaw really the future of music?
Burkhard Bilger, New YorkerRoomful of Teeth is Revolutionizing Choral Music

Rosaria Butterfield, TGCThat D*** Dog: How Pets Can Be a Catalyst for Evangelism
Sarah Zhang, The AtlanticWhy We Think Cats Are Psychopaths

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