Friday, July 5, 2019

End of May to July 4

Matthew B Crawford, American Affairs, Algorithmic Governance and Political Legitimacy

Gracy Olmstead, The American Conservative, Feasting Even During Ordinary Time

Tara Isabella Burton, The American Interest, The Rise of Progressive Occultism

Fr. Stephen Freeman, Ancient Faith, You Have One Job – Pray – On Behalf of All and for All

Olga Khazan, The Atlantic, Why So Many Women Choose Abortion Over Adoption
Michael Wear, The Atlantic, The Abortion Debate is No Longer About Policy
Alan Jacobs, The Atlantic, What a Clash Between Conservatives Reveals
Emma Green, The Atlantic, Joe Biden's Tell on Abortion
Jedidiah Purdy, The Atlantic, A Nature Writer for the Anthropocene
Adam Serwer, The Atlantic, The Illiberal Right Throws a Tantrum
Lyman Stone, The Atlantic, The Boomers Ruined Everything
Yascha Mounk, The Atlantic, Republicans Don’t Understand Democrats—And Democrats Don’t Understand Republicans
Caitlin Flanagan, The Atlantic, Christ in the Camps
Emma Green, The Atlantic, Imagining Post-Trump Nationalism
Kate Bowler, The Atlantic, How to Speak to Someone Who's Suffering
Peter Wehner, The Atlantic, The Deepening Crisis in Evangelical Christianity

Ed Simon, The Baffler, In the Hands of Angry Gods

Lisa Snowden-McCray, Baltimore Beat, In Baltimore, Accountability Has Become A Progressive Cause: A conversation with Bill Henry

Mar Ruetter, Baltimore Brew, Demolishing Cab Calloway’s house to make way for a park is shortsighted, critics say
Fern Shen, Baltimore Brew, Hampden bike crash victim, who faced many struggles, recalled as a generous soul

Lauren Cohen, Baltimore Magazine, The Iconic Marble Bar is Being Revived Into a Community Cafe
Ron Cassie, Baltimore Magazine, Coming Clean

Shelley Halstead, Baltimore Sun, Development plan recycles poverty in Baltimore

Vicky Baker, BBC News, The preachers getting rich from poor Americans

Meghan O'Gieblyn, The Believer, Good Shepherds

Tara Isabella Burton, Catapult, The Gospel According to Fleabag

Jose Mena, Catholic Herald, The Catholic turn to socialism is something to celebrate

Michael Martin, Center for Sophiological Studies, Christian Neopaganism for Dummies

Claire Fyrqvist, Church Life Journal, Are Real-Life Pro-Lifers Only Pro-Birth?

Ian Klaus, CityLab, To Understand American Political Anger, Look to ‘Peripheral France’

Anne Snyder, Comment, Persuading in a Divided Age: The Christian's Privilege
Hannah LaGrand, Comment, A Tidy Mind
Matthew Loftus, Comment, When the City of Man is Redlined

Andrew J Bacevich, Commonweal, Pundit on a Pilgrimage

Chloe Watlington, Commune, Who Owns Tomorrow?

Wesley Hill, Covenant, Respecting the Mystery: On Christian Doctrine

Sarah Miller, The Cut, The Best Abortion Ever

Kate Shellnut, CTHow Can Today’s Pro-Life Christians Build Trust in the Movement?
Tish Harrison Warren, CT, Pro-Lifers Aren't Hypocrites
Jessica Hooten Wilson, CT, The Devil Lives in the Mirror
Andrew Wilson, CT, Bringing a Tent Peg to a Sword Fight

Tommy Welty, Curator, The Hand the Feeds You

Fr. Brian Davies, The Dominican Friars, Preacher's Panic

Laura Lundgren, Fathom, The Fruitful Tension of Paradox

Carl R Trueman, First Things, Blessing When Cursed
Obianuju Ekeocha, First Things, Murder Disguised as Care

David Kern, Forma, For Sarah Ruden and Emily Wilson Translating the Great Books is an Act of Love

John Médaille, Front Porch Republic, Abortion: Realpolitik, Kulturkampf, and Evangelization
DL Mayfield, Front Porch Republic, Blessed Are the Working Poor

Judith Viorst, Glamour, How to Be Happy? A Nearly 90-Year-Old Has Some Advice

Addison Del Mastro, Kirk Center, Americans' Dignity, and the Nation's Shame
Micah Meadowcroft, Kirk Center, The Revolution Is Still Permanent

Brad East, LARB, Enter Paul: On Paula Fredriksen’s “Paul: The Pagans’ Apostle” and “When Christians Were Jews”
Madeline Lane-McKinley, LARB, Unthinking the Family in “Full Surrogacy Now”

Marissa R Moss, LA Times, Lil Nas X's ‘Old Town Road’ sounds like country’s future. So why has Nashville snubbed it?

Emily Temple, LitHub, Ulysses: Good or Bad?

Wesley Hill, Living Church, Reveling in Hope

Alicia Oltuski, McSweeney's, I Like My Anxiety Like I Like My Books
Chas Gillespie, McSweeney's, Every NIMBY's Speech at a Public Hearing
Ahmed Amer, McSweney's, I Finally Got a Company-Branded Thermos and All It Took Was Five Years of Wage Slavery
Rebecca Saltzman, McSweeney's, I Believe Every Child is Precious, Except for the Ones We're Locking Up in Cages

Jake Meador, MereO, David French and the Revolutionary Style in Conservative Journalism
Susannah Black, MereO, Rise up, wretched man: enough tears have flowed.
Brad East, MereO, Five Theses on Preaching
Susannah Black, MereO, On Nick Kristof, Jean Vanier, and Human Resources
Jonathan Cole, MereO, Political Theology in an Age of Discontent
Jake Meador, MereO, Book Review: Dignity by Chris Arnade
Hannah Anderson, MereO, Book Review: My Father Left Me Ireland by Michael Brendan Dougherty
Jake Meador, MereO, Post-Liberalism and American Racism
Sean O'Hare, MereO, A Call to Remembrance: Notre Dame and the Internet Age

Rachel M Cohen, The Nation, The Radical Teachers' Movement Comes to Baltimore

Ian Leslie, New Statesman, We know a lot less than we think about the world – which explains the allure of “simplism”

Richard Brody, New Yorker, 'Booksmart,' Reviewed: Olivia Wilde's Toothless Teen Comedy

Gracy Olmstead, NYT, How Republicans Hurt the Fight Against Abortion
Nellie Bowles, NYT, These Millennials Got New Roommates. They’re Nuns.
Ross Douthat, NYT, What Are Conservatives Actually Debating?
Ross Douthat, NYT, The Politics of Dystopia
Katelyn Beaty, NYT, How Should Christians Have Sex?
Jill Lepore, NYT, Fifty Years Ago We Landed on the Moon. Why Should We Care Now?

Sandra Song, Paper, How Country Continues to Erase Lil Nas X

Andy Matuschak, Personal Blog, Why books don't work

Matthew Loftus, Plough, The Birthday Party at the End of the World

Agnes Callard, The Point, Persuade or Be Persuaded

Luma Simms, Public Discourse, Conservative Women and the Intra-Conservatism Debate

Michael Wear, Reclaiming Hope Newsletter, A difficult day

Tyler Huckabee, Relevant, Bestselling Author R.O. Kwon On Why She Stopped Believing in God

Ryan P Burge, Religion in Public, Which Party Has Become More Polarized on Abortion?

Tara Isabella Burton, Religion News Service, Can witches and consumer culture coexist?
Tish Harrison Warren, Religion News Service, In my church, some of us voted for President Trump. All of us pray for him.
Tara Isabella Burton, Religion News Service, There's more to wellness than looking pretty

Josephine Wolff, Slate, (Almost) Never Pay the Ransom
Kevin Arceneaux, Bert N Bakker, Claire Gothreau, and Gijs Schumacher, Slate, We Tried to Publish a Replication of a Science Paper in Science. The Journal Refused.

Randianne Leyshon Holbrook, UMBC Magazine, Hitting All the Right Notes

Susan Miller, USA Today, The young are regarded as the most tolerant generation. That's why results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

Alissa Wilkinson, Vox, Booksmart is like Superbad, but with girls and better
Jane Coaston, Vox, The intersectionality wars
Jane Coaston, Vox, David French vs. Sohrab Ahmari and the battle dividing conservatives, explained

Elizabeth Bruenig, WaPoWant millennials to get married and have babies? Change the policies that stop us.
Tara Isabella Burton, WaPoA notorious pickup artist found God. Lots of angry white radicals do.
Christine Emba, WaPo, Men are in trouble. 'Incels' are proof.
Jessica M Goldstein, WaPo, How one critic’s once-iconoclastic views about television’s ascendancy went mainstream 
Kate Bowler, WaPo, Living a chronic life in a fix-it-now world
Patrick J Deneen, WaPo, A defense of conservatism that veers toward liberalism
Lisa Snowden-McCray, WaPo, A local's guide to Baltimore

Matthew Walther, The Week, America is an empire, not a nation
Matthew Walther, The Week, Everyone is wrong about socialism
Matthew Walther, The Week, A striking, joyful portrait of America's greatest divide
Matthew Walther, The Week, The conservative civil war won't change anything
Michael Brendan Dougherty, The Week, The conservative case against capitalism

Dante Stewart, The Witness, To Shape A New World: William Seymour and Black Faith in the Drama of Civil Rights – Part 1, Part 2

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